ÌÒñ«ÉçÇø's graduate-level PA program consists of 27 months of learning. The first 15 months are considered didactic learning, as they are primarily based in the classroom. In the final 12 months, students spend their time with preceptors in supervised clinical practice experiences (SCPEs). There are seven required rotations lasting five weeks each (family medicine, inpatient medicine, emergency medicine, women's medicine, pediatric medicine, surgical medicine and behavioral medicine), and two elective experiences that last four weeks each.
Our preceptors help train graduate-level PA students during the clinical year in five-week rotations. Preceptors guide PA students through in-depth analysis of disease processes, diagnosis and treatment plans for patients across the life-span in varying stages of health and practice environments. Learn how to join this team of educators, discover opportunities for professional development, find support resources and get your frequently asked questions answered.
Applying to be a Preceptor
If you are interested in teaming with ÌÒñ«ÉçÇø's PA program as a preceptor, complete and submit the preceptor interest form. You will be contacted by a member of the clinical education team. If you prefer to speak with someone directly or have questions, contact Allison Kaczmarek at (813) 257-5052 orÌýakaczmarek@ut.edu.Ìý
Preceptor Qualifications
Health Care Providers
- The program utilizes only ABMS or AOA equivalent board-certified preceptors or NCCPA certified PAs to provide rotations specific to their certification. The certification must be current (not expired).
- Preceptors are reviewed for their years of experience, experience with teaching students and ability to meet the rotation learning outcomes.
- Providers approved as preceptors must hold a valid license that allows them to practice at the clinical site. The program will verify unrestricted licensure status at the time of initial preceptor evaluation viaÌýÌýor respective state medical board for out-of-state providers, and again when the certification is due to expire (E*Value alert), to confirm license renewal as long as the provider remains an active preceptor for the Program.
There will be annual cohorts of 48 students. By the time students begin the clinical phase of their education, they will be well prepared to stand by your side and develop their clinical skills. For more information, refer to the frequently asked questions section.
PAEA Incorporating Students into Patient Care/Workflow (PDF)
PAEA Introducing/Orienting A PA Student to Your Practice (PDF)
PAEA One Minute Preceptor (PDF)
PAEA A Six-Step Learner-Centered Approach to Clinical Education (PDF)
PAEA Tailoring Clinical Teaching (PDF)
, University of Kansas Medical Center
Category I CME (PA preceptors only)
ÌÒñ«ÉçÇø has been authorized by the American Academy of PAs (AAPA) to award AAPA Category I CME credit to eligible PA preceptors. Approval is valid fromÌýJan. 1, 2023, to Dec. 23, 2024.
AAPA reference number: CME-208463.
See below for a summary of the process:
- Preceptors may be awarded 2 Category I CME credits per student for each 40-hour week of clinical teaching.
- The previous limit of 20 AAPA Category I CME for preceptors is no longer in effect. Preceptors may now earn an unlimited number of AAPA Category I CME for their precepting efforts from programs accredited by AAPA to provide these CME. Preceptorship CME is still earned at a rate of 2 AAPA Category I CME credits per PA student per 40-hour week. Preceptors will be encouraged to keep track of their hours during the year, and these will be reconciled with the PA program’s records to ensure accuracy.
- The preceptor mustÌýÌýand email the form toÌýPAclinical@ut.eduÌýbefore a preset date every year.
- Upon receipt of the completed evaluation form and confirmation, the PA program will email you a certificate awarding the Category I CME credits.
Category I CME credit now qualifies as MIPS Improvement Activity, reflecting a 2019 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) change to the Quality Payment Program MIPS.
For more information about Category I CME, visitÌý.
Unsalaried Clinical Faculty Appointments
Provide at minimum the following activities annually:
- Precept at least six PA students during clinical rotations in area of specialty
- Provide at least four hours of lectures during the didactic phase in area of specialty
- Or as otherwise agreed.
Benefits include:
- Faculty/staff identification card, which permits access to ÌÒñ«ÉçÇø campus events and use of the library database system.
- Rank awarded pending review of CV is clinical associate professor, clinical assistant professor or clinical professor.
Other Program Opportunities
If you are interested in helping out ÌÒñ«ÉçÇø's PA program in any other capacity such as teaching, guest lecture, labs, professional days, interviewing or serving as a PBL tutor, we would be pleased to talk with you. Contact Allison Kaczmarek at (813) 257-5052 orÌýakaczmarek@ut.edu.

What is the process by which an interested physician would become a part of the program?
- Contact Allison Kaczmarek directly at (813) 257-5052 orÌýakaczmarek@ut.edu, or
- Complete an interest form on the website.
Is there a credentialing process?
- Yes, most of it is included in the online preceptor interest form and your CV, which should be emailed to Allison Kaczmarek atÌýakaczmarek@ut.edu.
- Physician preceptors must be ABMS or AOA board certified, and physician assistants must be NCCPA certified.
- Preceptors must hold a valid license that allows them to practice at the clinical site.
- We need to complete a practice record form that includes information on the types and numbers of patients you see and your schedule. (We can contact your office manager to get this information, or you can provide it in a quick phone call).
Would each rotation be with/for a single student, or would I be asked to preceptor two or more students?
- This is up to you as the preceptor; however, we would not recommend more than two. We would also not recommend that a preceptor commit to every rotation.
Things that must also be considered include:
- Dispersing PA students according to volume, and
- Ensuring workflow is not disproportionately distributed and productivity inadvertently affected.
How much paperwork is involved in being a preceptor?
- We will be using E*Value to track/evaluate student tenure in the program. Preceptors will receive an email with their unique login to complete quick evaluations on the student. Preceptors will be asked to complete two evaluations (one mid-rotation and one upon completion of the rotation) per student. Anything else is up to the preceptors and what they see fit in developing the students clinical skills.
Does the preceptor have to award grades?
- Preceptors are not asked to award a grade. Feedback is structured in the evaluations where the preceptor will assess the student’s knowledge, assessment and clinical reasoning skills, and professionalism. Preceptors are also encouraged to provide daily, informal, honest feedback which is important to help students refine their skills and grow into successful health professionals.
What is required for the students during the clinical experiences?
- Each rotation the student participates in has a course syllabus containing instructional objectives that guide the experience. These syllabi will be provided to both the preceptor and the student in advance of the rotation. On the first day of a rotation, preceptors should meet with the student to discuss mutual expectations.
Is there assistance for this kind of work?
- In terms of both training and ongoing support, yes. Every preceptor will have the mobile phone number of the director of clinical education, who will be available 24/7 to answer questions and address issues. Every preceptor will be provided a preceptor handbook.
How do I know I am eligible to be a preceptor?
- You are eligible to serve as a preceptor if you have one year of clinical experience.
- Preceptors must hold a valid license that allows them to practice at the clinical site.
- PAs must have NCCPA certification.
- MDs must be board certified.
What should I expect a second-year PA student to know and be able to do?
- Second-year students should be able to perform comprehensive and focused histories and physical examinations. While their clinical reasoning skills will strengthen over time, they should be able to develop a list of differential diagnoses, and determine the next steps in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions. They should have basic skills in patient education and counseling related to common medical problems, and will have had practice with medical procedures such as phlebotomy, basic radiography, splinting and wound care.