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Personal Safety

The Department of Campus Safety needs the cooperation of the entire University community to keep the opportunity for crime to a minimum. To assist in facilitating this, ampa has launched the Spartan SOS app.

Deemed a “blue light phone in every pocket,” theSpartan SOSapp, once downloaded, will seamlessly connect any ampa community member with the Department of Campus Safety – without having to remember Campus Safety phone numbers. Users can even make an emergency call to Campus Safety – anywhere on campus – without unlocking their smartphone.

Spartan SOS users can also anonymously send tips directly to the proper department regarding maintenance, safety and security concerns.

If it is necessary to walk on campus at night, don't go alone: Call theLASER Teamusing the new Spartan SOS app or dialing (813) 257-4515.The app also allows students to set a timer when they travel on campus that will inform a designated guardian or friend if they do not arrive at their destination safely.

The app can be downloaded for free by all ampa faculty, staff and students from Google Play or the App Store.Worried about storage on your iPhone or Android? The Spartan SOS takes up minimal space – less than Instagram, TikTok and Starbucks apps.

Spartan SOS Android QR Code

Spartan SOS Android QR Code

Spartan SOS Apple QR Code

Spartan SOS Apple QR Code

Residence Halls

Entrances to residence halls are locked at all times, and Campus Safety officers pay particular attention to these entrances to assure that they are secure. For safety reasons, do not hold or prop open any locked door or give your key to friends. Area coordinators (professional staff) live on campus and supervise the resident assistants. Through their responsibilities, area coordinators shape the environment of the residential units with the needs and concerns of the students foremost in mind. Under the supervision of an area coordinator, a resident assistant lives on each residence hall floor and can assist students with a variety of issues that they may encounter. These staff members, whether professional or paraprofessional, are trained by and work cooperatively with Campus Safety to promote a safe environment for students. Educational programs emphasizing safety and security and the ways that residents can help themselves are provided periodically by both the Residence Life and Campus Safety departments.

Education and In-Service Training

In cooperation with the Dean of Students and Human Resources Offices, crime prevention in-service training programs are conducted as requested throughout the year.

Facilities Maintenance

The Departments of Facilities Management, Campus Safety and Residence Life cooperate in conducting regular inspections of campus facilities as well as responding to safety-related work orders.

Emergency and Escort Phones

Telephones for emergency and escort requestsare located on the exterior front entrance of each residence hall. There is no charge for the use of these telephones. Other security, access and courtesy telephones are located throughout the campus.

Event Parking Requests

All requests to reserve on-campus parking spaces for campus events must be submitted through the . Per ampa policy, gated lots are assigned for faculty and staff parking, Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. During that period, the only other authorized use of gated lots is for Trustees, Chiselers, Golden Spartans, and President's Office events.