Rob Masserini
Associate Professor
°¿´Ú´Ú¾±³¦±ð:ÌýTECH 673C
Education and Training:
- 1993 University of Tampa, B.S. in Marine Science and Chemistry
- 2005 University of South Florida, Ph.D. in Marine Science; with Kent A. Fanning, Ph. D.
Research Interests:
As an undergraduate I chose to attend ÌÒñ«ÉçÇø and double major in marine science and chemistry because I was interested in the chemical transformations within the oceans. After I graduated from ÌÒñ«ÉçÇø, I entered a doctorate program in chemistry, but after a year switched to a marine science Ph.D. program at the University of South Florida. The chemistry training provided me with the skill set to develop underwater sensors and new chemistries to detect very small concentrations of trace ions that are essential for plant life. Subsequently, my research has taken me around the globe, even to Antarctica in winter. I continue to develop instrumentation and chemical methods to improve our understanding of biogeochemical processes.
Figure 1: Research Expedition in Antarctica aboard the R/V Nathaniel Palmer
Figure 2: Water sampling in the Gulf of Mexico aboard the R/V Walton Smith
Figure 3: Preparing chemical analyzer payload for deployment on the R/V Suncoaster
Figure 4: Autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) with Nutrient Sensor
Below is a list of recent student presentations at national meetings that have come out of my research group. These can give you an idea about the type of projects we are working on.
- Red Tide in Tampa Bay: Fish Kills and Ammonium Enrichment Correlations.
- Surface Water Injection into the Floridan Aquifer: Biogeochemical Transformations and Ramifications.
- Development of a Microfluidic Reverse Flow Injection Analysis (rFIA) Method with Automatic Background Fluorescence Correction for the Detection of Nanomolar Concentrations of Ammonium in Natural Waters.
- Characterization of Naturally Occurring Carbon in Lake Okeechobee Water and its Compositional Change Following Recharge and Storage in the Upper Floridan Aquifer.
- Tampa Bay Ocean Acidification and the Influence of Dissolved Organic Carbon on Accurate Carbonate System Measurements.
- Total Alkalinity Trends and Troubles in Tampa Bay
- Primary production is greener on the other side: Influence of hurricanes on the West Florida shelf
Figure 5-Research students aboard the R/V BIOS II
Figure 6-Student prepares survey instrumentation aboard R/V BIOS II
My primary focus when working with research students is to mentor them in the analytical methods of nutrient analysis, automated instrumentation and data visualization. The experiences gained participating in this research give students a competitive advantage when applying to graduate programs due to their exposure to advanced techniques and inclusion in the publication and presentation process. A priority is placed on the development of scientific communication skills. Students are involved in all stages of the proposal and manuscript preparation and submission, and these experiences enhance student development as both scientists and leaders.
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Figure 7-Research students presenting at a national meeting in San Diego
Figure 8-Research students presenting at a national meeting in San Diego
(Undergraduate co-authors inÌýboldÌýtype. *Corresponding author.)
Masserini*, R. T., Abbot, W.,ÌýHunt, H. R.,ÌýFriden, E., Heil, C. Klass, S. M., 2022. An Improved Reverse Flow Injection Analysis (rFIA) Technique for Determination of Nanomolar Concentrations of Ammonium in Natural Waters with Automatic Background Fluorescence Detection: Ammonification During a Karenia brevis Bloom in Tampa Bay. Marine Chemistry Marine Chemistry 245: 104158.
Masserini*, R. T., Fanning, K. A., Hendrix, S. A. A,ÌýKleiman, B. M., 2017. A coastal surface seawater analyzer for nitrogenous nutrient mapping. Continental Shelf Research 150: 48-56.
Fanning*, K. A., Masserini, R. T., Walsh, J. J., Wanninkhof, R, Sullivan, K., Virmani, J. I., Heil, C. 2015. An Ammonium Enrichment Event in the Surface Ocean: Wind Forcing and Potential Ramifications. Marine Chemistry 174: 26-34.
Handbook of Methods for Analysis of the Oceanographic Parameters at the CARIACO Time-Series Station. 2013. Y. Astor*, L. Lorenzoni and M. Scranton (Eds). Colección Cuadernos FLASA, Serie Ciencia y TecnologÃa No. 12; Fundación La Salle de Ciencias Naturales. Caracas, Venezuela. Pp. 178.
Lorenzoni*, L., Taylor, G. T., Benitez-Nelson, C., Hansell, D.A., Montes, E., Masserini, R., Fanning, K., Varela, R., Astor, Y., Guzmán, L., and Muller-Karger, F. E. 2013. Spatial and seasonal variability of dissolved organic matter in the Cariaco Basin. J. of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 118: 1 -12.
Darrow*, B., Walsh, J., Vargo, G., Masserini, R., Fanning, K., Zhang, J., 2002. A simulation study of the growth of benthic microalgae following the decline of a surface phytoplankton bloom. Continental Shelf Research 23:1265-1283.
Masserini*, R.T. Jr. and Fanning K. A., 2000. A sensor package for the simultaneous determination of nanomolar concentrations of nitrite, nitrate, and ammonia in seawater by fluorescence detection. Marine Chemistry 68: 323-333.
Wanninkhof*, R., Hitchcock, G., Wiseman, W. Vargo, G. Ortner, P. B., Asher, W. Ho, D. T. Schosser, P., Dickson, M.L., Masserini, R., Fanning, K. and Zhang, J. Z. 1997. Gas Exchanger, dispersion, and biological productivity on the West Florida shelf: Results from a Lagrangian tracer study. Geophysical Research Letters 24: 1767-1770.
(Undergraduate authors inÌýboldÌýtype. Presenting authorÌýunderlined.)
Emily Friden, Robert Masserini. Red Tide in Tampa Bay: Fish Kills and Ammonium Enrichment Correlations. 2022 Ocean Sciences Meeting
Kim Yates, Chris Moore, Mitch Lemon, Ryan Moyer, Dave Tomasko, Rob Masserini, Ed Sherwood. Coastal Acidification Trends and Controls in Tampa Bay, Florida. 2022 Bay Area Scientific Information Symposium-Association of National Estuary Programs. St. Petersburg, FL.
Emily Friden, Robert Masserini. Red Tide in Tampa Bay: Fish Kills and Ammonium Enrichment Correlations. FURA Posters at the Capital. Tallahassee, FL Jan. 2022.
Carley Reid,ÌýMiranda Conley, Robert Masserini, Amy McKenna, John Lisle. Surface Water Injection into the Floridan Aquifer: Biogeochemical Transformations and Ramifications. 2020 Ocean Sciences Meeting.
Hannah Hunt,ÌýMarlena Penn, Robert Masserini. Development of a Microfluidic Reverse Flow Injection Analysis (rFIA) Method with Automatic Background Fluorescence Correction for the Detection of Nanomolar Concentrations of Ammonium in Natural Waters. 2020 Ocean Sciences Meeting.
Carley Reid,ÌýAmy McKenna, Cameron A. Davis , John Lisle, Robert Masserini, Characterization of Naturally Occurring Carbon in Lake Okeechobee Water and its Compositional Change Following Recharge and Storage in the Upper Floridan Aquifer. 2019 NSF REU Tallahassee FL.
Miranda Conley, Amy McKenna, Cameron A. Davis, Kimberly Yates, Christopher Moore, Robert Masserini. Tampa Bay Ocean Acidification and the Influence of Dissolved Organic Carbon on Accurate Carbonate System Measurements. 2019 NSF REU Tallahassee FL.
Vargas, J.M., Masserini, R.T., Yates, K.K., Total Alkalinity Trends and Troubles in Tampa Bay, 2018 American Chemical Society National Meeting
C.L. NickelÌýand R.T. Masserini Jr., Primary production is greener on the other side: Influence of hurricanes on the West Florida shelf, 2018 American Chemical Society National Meeting.
Masserini, R.T., Fanning, K.A., Hendrix, S.A., Kleiman, B. M., Compact Pulsed Xenon Fluorescence Analyzer for Simultaneous Detection of Nanomolar Concentrations of Nitrite, Nitrate, and Ammonium in Seawater, 2018 American Chemical Society National Meeting.
Masserini, R.T., Fanning, K.A., Hendrix, S.A., Kleiman, B. M, A Surface Seawater Analyzer for Nitrogenous Nutrient Mapping, 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting.
Enrique Montes, Frank Muller-Karger, Laura Lorenzoni, Michael W. Lomas, Andrés Cianca, Sennai Habtes, Robert Masserini, Climate-driven changes in oxygen inventories of the North Atlantic Subtropical Underwater captured by oceanographic time-series stations. 2014 Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Summer Workshop
Masserini, R.T., Fanning, K.A 2008 High-Resolution Monitoring of Episodic Nutrient Events. 2008 Ocean Sciences Meeting
Masserini, R.T., Fanning, K.A., & Wanninkhof, R. 2004. Diurnal cycling of ammonium and chlorophyll within a bolus of seawater labeled with the deliberate tracer sulfurhexafluoride. Eos Trans. AGU, 84(52), Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract 0S32H-07.